
poetry and prose about place

Archive for the ‘a moment of beautiful’ Category

solar eclipse

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On Monday we joined other people of New Brunswick, all eager to view the total eclipse of the sun. We planned carefully, arranged to pick up our son and drive to our chosen viewing place, at the picnic grounds of the Department of Agriculture Experimental Farm. Other people had the same idea so we were among a small crowd of viewers.


We had obtained the necessary ISO eclipse glasses (ISO 12312-2 standard) to protect our eyes from harmful rays but I take extra care since I have several problems with my vision. So I did not look continually at the sun but glanced at it occasionally with the glasses on. The sequence I saw was:

  1. the sun in normal mode – seemed much smaller than usual since ordinarily when we glance at the sun, we see the sun itself and a glare of light;
  2. a curved black shadow at the right edge of the sun;
  3. a bigger ‘bite’ of darkness from the sun;
  4. a larger ‘bite’ of darkness so the sun resembled the crescent moon;
  5. a creeping towards totality where the crescent became smaller and smaller;
  6. the moment of totality when you could see nothing at all but darkness through the glasses;
  7. with the glasses off, totality, a dark disc with a thin rim of light;
  8. a moment when the edge of the sun re-appears, a sort of flaring diamond on the edge of the ring.
  9. glasses on, a gradual return to the crescent, through the bite of darkness to the disc of the normal sun.


Between my glances at the sun, I gazed at the scene before me, the shadow of twigs from a young maple tree on the gravel road. As I watched, the area around us darkened and all along the horizon in every direction was a rosy glow, as though evening had arrived. But the effect was not really like that of evening, more like a wan darkness, eerie. On the road, the shadows looked like those cast by a full moon.


taken with cell phone (copyright)


And now, all this in a poem:


total eclipse of the sun

Fredericton New Brunswick

April 8, 2024


twig shadows drowse on road

red maple carved into gravel

sun dazzles against blue sky


first moment of eclipse

a nibble from a dark cookie

a bite


crescent like a waning moon

creeps towards




through special glasses

goes dark


evening settles on the hill

russet sky at every horizon

street lights blink on


a white bird climbs, confused

whisps of corona

around silhouette of moon


eerie lull in murmuring

as a diamond sparkles

along the lower edge


twig shadows

tremble, pale-washed

beneath full moon


taken with Nikon camera, see rosy glow at horizon; the black line is the top of a chain link fence (copyright)


Hope you enjoyed your look at the eclipse if you were in an area to view it!!!!

All my best,


Written by jane tims

April 10, 2024 at 9:32 pm

Elf on the Shelf: where is she now?

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A few years ago, I had a lot of fun, exchanging ideas about Vintage Elf on the Shelf with my husband’s aunt. She is gone now, but every time I see Vintage Elf, it reminds me of Millie.


That year, I brought Vintage Elf out of storage. I have had her since I was a child. She is a little bigger than the modern elves. She has a felt body, braided yellow hair and a sweet smile. Here is Vintage Elf with another Christmas standard, Scrooge.



Vintage Elf can also tell the story of Jesus’ birth …

First, the empty manger …



Then, Mary and Joseph arrive because there is no room at the inn …



Then, the angels announce the baby’s birth to the shepherds …



And the shepherds visit the newborn baby …



Then, Elf visits the wise men, as they follow the star to find a king …



And, at last, they visit the baby in the manger …



I love the story of the first Christmas and the hope it brings to all the world …


Hope you have a Merry Christmas season.

All my best,

Jane (a.k.a. Alexandra)

Written by jane tims

December 26, 2023 at 8:20 pm

Merry Christmas surprise!

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This afternoon I heard a tiny knock at the front door and arrived in time to see two children walking down our driveway. On the door handle I found a gift hanging! Very festive wrapping in a white dotted cellophane bag, a red card saying Merry Christmas and a gift wrapped in green tissue paper.



I looked out at the street and there was a group of parents and children walking and waving. I waved back and said ‘Thank you,’ feeling quite festive!



When my husband got home, we unwrapped the gift and inside was a beautiful sparkling ornament for our tree!



On Facebook, I discovered people all around our neighbourhood had received this surprise. Makes me feel so happy and part of the neighbourhood!


Merry Christmas everyone and especially to the families who made and delivered my surprise!


All my best,

stay safe,


Written by jane tims

December 12, 2020 at 4:30 pm

Strawberry Kool-Aid Hair with Ribbons

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'nearn' (3)


Strawberry Kool-Aid Hair

with Ribbons


strawberry Kool-Aid hair

with ribbons

she pushes the button

to cross Dundonald

serious with her boyfriend

her backpack heavy


she is like

the student on roller blades

skilled with traffic

not slowing near the top of Regent

reckless to the river


or the man

a block from here

a man with a briefcase

leaning across the fence

making a bouquet

of pussy-willows



All my best.

Stay safe.



Written by jane tims

June 19, 2020 at 7:00 am

Watercolour lessons

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Although I have painted in various media for years, I have never had a watercolour lesson. I decided to remedy this when a friend told me about a series of seven lessons being given in the evenings once a week at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design.

This week will be my third class and I have already learned so much.

Lesson one was a review of the colour chart and I learned how to find the complimentary colour and make variants of grey.

Lesson two had us trying various techniques. I have never sprinkled salt on wet watercolour before – the effects are delightful.

Although I have used resist techniques before, it was fun using wax pencil to make a moon.

Watercolour is very relaxing. I love the wet-on-wet technique, watching how colours bleed into one another.

And here is my new watercolour of tiny trees.

Looking forward to this week’s lesson.

All my best,


Written by jane tims

February 28, 2020 at 7:00 am

Small miracles

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As I go through life, I occasionally encounter oddities so unexpected I think of them as small miracles. At least my interpretation is that some unseen force is at work, sending me messages of hope and faith.


After my mom died, a small yellow warbler came to our window for most of the first year, an example of the kind of messaging I mean.


Today I saw a small miracle, in a pot on the railing of the back deck. Although we have had several frosts, and although I have not planted pansies in the pot for at least three years, a little pansy plant was blooming in the pot.


I am a biologist, so I know these things can be explained away. There was a stray pansy seed in the pot. Pansies are hardy plants. The house wall was only a few centimetres away, protecting the pot from frost. I know these things but my interpretation stands. And I have only gratitude.







All my best,

Jane (a.k.a. Alexandra)

Written by jane tims

October 22, 2018 at 7:00 am

after a poetry reading

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Why do you go to poetry readings? Is it because you are supporting a writing friend? Because you love poetry? Or because you search for the perfect poetic experience — the memorable reading of an unforgettable poem, expressive words you know you will always be able to summon. Have you ever left a poetry reading feeling renewed, animated, believing in the impossible?


I attend a lot of readings. I go to support my writing friends. I go because I love words and poetry. I also go because I long for the memorable. Occasionally, I will hear words, phrases, poems to thrill me for the rest of my life.


I have had many such experiences. I have been privileged to hear Roo Borson read her poem Grey Glove. I have heard Roger Moore read poems from his book Monkey Temple with his stirring Welsh accent.  Years ago I heard a young Irish poet read her poem about a kettle boiling on the stove, and I have never forgotten her words even though I have forgotten her name.


sun on tree


after the poetry reading


Bailey Drive is a steep incline

for an out-of-shape heart

a pause returns the thud in ears

to chest where it needs to be, a moment

to see maples on the Aitken House lawn

animated by wind, as metaphor for adrenaline rush

of words


as trees send Tesla coil sparks into blue sky

from trunks constrained by building

and sidewalks, to branches and twigs

unfettered, plasma filaments bloom

on fractal paths


another pulse, trunk to bud-tips

and another, signals up and outward

heart slows and holds in place

lightning throb in continuum of space



All my best,


Written by jane tims

October 9, 2018 at 5:08 pm

new place to sit and dream

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We recently replaced an old deck on the back of our house. We have not been able to use the space for years and now we have a place to sit and dream or read, even in the rain! We have another, larger deck, where I also sit when I need a break. But the new deck is more private and covered. For deck furniture we added a locally-made bench bought last year and a small table I made to celebrate cattails! I think I need a pillow with a cattail design for that left corner!




Do you have a place where you can sit outside, even when it is raining?


All my best,



Written by jane tims

September 21, 2018 at 7:00 am


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Ordinary things are so beautiful. Here are a few curls I have encountered this week:



curls of wood on our new deck



tendril on my cucumber plants



curl at the end of a plant support


All my best,


Written by jane tims

September 19, 2018 at 7:00 am

spirit guide

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As a biologist, I believe that human beings are fundamentally connected to the natural world.  We are part of that world. To live, we need to eat and drink and breathe. We respond to the cycles of climate and weather.


I believe, to be whole, we need to experience nature on a daily basis.  In winter it is so easy to hide within our warm houses and pretend we are immune. But when I have hibernated for a few days, I start to long for a snowflake on my tongue, the glimpse of a bird, the sound of ice cracking on the lake. I need fresh air, a moment spent counting the sides on a flake of snow, the dripping of maple sap into a metal pail, the chortle of a black crow, flying overhead.



Call me crazy, but sometimes I am certain our connection with nature is one of communication. I am stopped by the knowing look of my cat staring at me as if she cannot understand my lack of understanding. I ask for a prayer to be answered and hear the low tremolo of a loon from the lake. I am startled by the constant return of a yellow bird to the window in the months after my mother dies. I watch my hand painting detail in a landscape and am amazed at how a white line can capture the essence of a leaf.



I also feel kinship with a particular animal. Some days it seems to express my disgruntlement with life. Other days, my joy. When I think of sound, the first sound I remember is the beat of wings on overhead air.



spirit guide


after the proper length of fast

after the proper exposure to fire

I open my eyes

but I see no animal spirit

only black


I listen


unless you count the compression

of a single beat of wing


I stretch and feel the atmosphere


partitioned by sharpened feather fingers

and the zigzag trail

of some multi-legged crawler


my mouth is filled

with the down

of fallen angels

(also feathered black)


the stink of burning quills


where is a crow

when you need to experience

more than the characteristics of crow?




Copyright Jane Tims 2018


Written by jane tims

January 22, 2018 at 7:22 am