
poetry and prose about place

Posts Tagged ‘walkway

under the red maple

with 7 comments

We have a huge red maple (Acer rubrum L.) in front of our house.  It forces a turn in the walkway, but I love to greet it every morning and watch it through the seasons.  When we first lived here 30 years ago, the tree was small enough to encircle with thumb and finger.  Now I can’t fit my arms around its girth.

Autumn inspires this tree.  It takes its time, gradually turning yellow, red and orange over several days.  Then it gives up all its leaves within a day. 

When I drive my car away the next morning, a dark rectangle of driveway remains, within the circle of new-fallen leaves.


summer in flames



leaf fall

embers settle

on the walkway

patio table and chairs




to walk in silence

red flames

and careful steps

a conflagration



shadows lost

and branches

scratch the sky

sun bright

hands warm before the fire


© Jane Tims  2011

Written by jane tims

October 14, 2011 at 7:59 am