
poetry and prose about place

Posts Tagged ‘susnset

a moment of beautiful – sunset over the St. John River

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the space: the St. John River at dusk

the beautiful: sunset over the river

Last evening as we drove home after a visit to my sister’s home, orange was on my mind.  I was thinking of the bright orange pumpkins in the gardens, the orange of Japanese Lanterns, the orange of the turning leaves, and the orange of the running lights on the trucks on the highway.  Then, as the sun went down, we were treated to the most beautiful orange, the color of the sunset over the St. John River.

A lovely introduction to the month of October……………..



hauling sun


eighteen-wheeled tractor pulls,

hauls the loaded b-train


gears down for the grade, snags

light from the sunset, wanes


and leaks from the headlamps

pushed forward into night


ahead, on the dark road,

a cone of borrowed light



Copyright Jane Tims 2012

Written by jane tims

October 1, 2012 at 7:34 am