
poetry and prose about place

Posts Tagged ‘Matthew Arnold

a moment of beautiful – the sound of the sea

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the space: a park bench by the edge of the sea

the beautiful: the sound of the breakers, sorting over cobbles on the shore

On a recent vacation to Nova Scotia, we had the time to sit and watch the breakers roll into a cove along St. Margaret’s Bay.  The sight of the crashing waves was inspiring, but the sounds were unforgettable…  first, the sweep and crash of the incoming waves…

then the clatter as the outgoing wave dragged at the cobbles along the shore…

My husband suffered through my recitation of a few lines of Matthew Arnold’s poignant ‘Dover Beach’, but mostly we were quiet, overwhelmed by the sound of the sea.





jealous of its pretty

shaped and rounded stones,

the ocean mutters,

claws them back

clatters its dinner forks

over biscuits and gravy

hoards jellybeans

by the handful



©  Jane Tims  2012

Written by jane tims

July 7, 2012 at 7:25 am