
poetry and prose about place

Posts Tagged ‘clove of garlic

the growing part of ‘growing and gathering’

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So far in my posts, I have talked mostly about harvesting wild edibles.  I am starting to get a little produce from my garden, so I thought I’d do a post for the ‘growing’ side of ‘growing and gathering’.

I have only a small garden, laughable by many standards.  We have too much shade and since I won’t allow the nearby trees to be cut, I must be content with spindly carrots, sorrowful pea vines and a plethora of slugs.  However, I also have lots of perennials and a small herb garden, enough to keep us in regular small harvests of additions for our dinners.

On Monday, I decided to prepare my favourite lunch, couscous, with a gathering from my garden.  I used:

~ a handful of black and red currants (just ripening this week!)

~ a sprig of thyme

~ a few leaves of oregano

~ a small spray of parsley

~ a handful of chives

~ one clove of garlic from the shadowy garden.

To this I added a small purple onion from the grocery store…

I chopped the onion and the herbs quite fine…

I sautéed everything in olive oil, very briefly (to keep it all crisp and keep the currents from going mushy)…

and added the mixture to my couscous, prepared with boiling water and a quarter teaspoon of powdered chicken bullion.

A delicious dinner, a little tart, but perfect for my taste buds!!!!

©  Jane Tims  2012

Written by jane tims

July 11, 2012 at 5:03 pm