
poetry and prose about place

Posts Tagged ‘alien characters

three fantasy characters

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On Friday, I introduced my current writing and drawing project – creation of a short fantasy tale. The story is about a young woman who tries to trade an old life for a new. The setting is an alien planet named Meniscus. I have three main characters:

  1. The young woman is a Human named Odymn. Odymn is in her thirties, living a life of servitude on Meniscus. Every night she escapes confinement to practice her passion of parkour.  Parkour is the discipline of moving through the landscape in the most efficient way possible, running, jumping, vaulting, climbing and rolling. The discipline involves strength, endurance and flexibility and has allowed Odymn to reclaim and have control over at least one part of her life. Odymn has bright red hair which is about to get her into a lot of trouble.
  2. The man she meets during one of her parkour adventures is a genetically enhanced human, a Eu-hominid. He is a rover, moving from place to place to earn his living. He wears a special kind of armour and weaponry which taps into the electrical forces in his body. He has strength and endurance but almost no flexibility. He does not engage in idle chatter, to say the least. So far he has no name, so I just refer to him as Eu-hom. It’s OK if you are thinking names are not my strong point!
  3. After some encounters with other hominids and creatures on the planet, Odymn and Eu-hom set off on some adventures. At one point they encounter Wen-le-gone, a sentient, passive, furry creature known as an Argenop. Wen-le-gone adopts Odymn as his friend but does not warm to the Eu-hom, not at all.


Now that you have met my characters, I’ll show you what they look like.



Odymn has a peculiar scar on her forehead. How she got the scar and what it means to her is part of the story.



The Eu-hom is a rather serious character, not much of a conversationalist and not easy to befriend.



The Argenop, Wen-le-gone, is the village healer and sage. Looks a little like my cat.


Next time, I’ll show you drawings of some of the other humanoids and creatures of Planet Meniscus.



Copyright  Jane Tims  2016

Written by jane tims

November 14, 2016 at 7:29 am