
poetry and prose about place

the rock project continues

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My ‘rock project’ has an important personal implication: keeping me physically fit and active. Every day, I try to walk the loop, at least twice. Not a long distance, but it gets me outside, in nature, for some time each day and keeps me ahead of being crippled by my arthritis.


The ‘rock project’ includes anything that encourages me to walk the loop. Today provides a great example. Today, I walked the loop twice, once to collect some rocks to create a small table-like structure in the woods beside the loop. I used three piles of rock to create the legs of the table and a larger, flat stone to create the table top.



I have used this table to display two small iron birds.



Now, when I walk the loop, I will watch for these little metal birds, a small tribute to the real birds I often see on the path or near the bird feeder.


Small projects like this keep me active and encourage me to walk the loop. Other projects include:

  • clearing unwanted vegetation from the small iron faerie beside the path
  • continuing to work on the rock wall at the start of the loop
  • planting mosses and periwinkle on the platform of ‘rockhenge’
  • finding two ceramic ‘mushrooms’ I put into the woods years ago and giving them a new home by the edge of the loop


Keep walking!

Best regards!

Jane (a.k.a. Alexandra)

Written by jane tims

October 11, 2023 at 5:41 pm

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