
poetry and prose about place

remembering place – Grade Two

with 6 comments

After a mix-up resulted in my attendance at the wrong school in Grade One (see ), I finally found the right school in Grade Two, Crescent Heights Elementary School.  This school was only two blocks from home and easy to walk to.  I also was in the same class as my best friend, Laureen.


Crescent Heights Elementary School

Crescent Heights Elementary School (image from Street View)


Miss McCallum was our teacher, a happy, brisk lady.  These were the days of the Baby Boomers and she had almost 40 students in her class.  I can remember only two of their names in the photo below.


Miss McCallum's Grade Two Class, Crescent Heights Elementary School

Miss McCallum’s Grade Two Class, Crescent Heights Elementary School (I am Row 2, fifth from right)


I have no specific memories of being in school in Grade Two.  My world consisted of my Mom and Dad, my younger brothers and sister.  Life was simple and happy, though I’m sure my parents would not have agreed.


Copyright  2014  Jane Tims

Written by jane tims

August 4, 2014 at 7:35 am

6 Responses

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  1. I have a few memories from Grade 2, but hardly any from Grade 3…not sure why! 🙂


    Watching Seasons

    August 6, 2014 at 1:12 pm

    • Hi. It’s interesting how some years are full of memory and others are blank. The odd grades (3,5,7,9,etc) are supposed to be the hardest …. perhaps you were concentrating on learning!!! Jane


      jane tims

      August 7, 2014 at 9:52 pm

  2. Grade 2 sounds much happier and calmer than Grade 1. The photo is great. I had a jumper that looked very similar to your jumper when I was in elementary school.



    August 5, 2014 at 12:03 am

    • Hi Sheryl. Jumpers have fallen from fashion I think. Although I don’t remember much about school, I do remember that this was the year I started piano lessons. I think this added an element of ‘not so calm’! Jane


      jane tims

      August 5, 2014 at 10:12 am

  3. Everyone looks so prim and proper with their hands folded, yet there is still some playfulness in the smiles and eyes. I don’t remember much about second grade, either. I don’t even remember my teacher’s name, but do remember she was not a nun. I went to Catholic school for first, second, and third grades, and having a lay teacher was unusual.



    August 4, 2014 at 12:20 pm

    • Hi Robin. I think the expressions on the faces are priceless. Odd to think that days spent in ‘training’ should be bare of memories! Jane


      jane tims

      August 5, 2014 at 10:09 am

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