
poetry and prose about place

one red tree

with 12 comments

On a drive to see some covered bridges in York County, we took a logging road along the Pokiok and Little Pokiok Streams.

Years ago, on this road, we saw an albino deer.  On this recent trip however, the only wildlife we saw were the Flickers.  As we drove along the road, a Flicker would fly up and lead us a ways before veering into the woods on the roadside.

It was a good road, maintained by a local forest company.  Along the way, we crossed a small metal bridge and I stopped to take a photo of a small stream winding its way through a bog.

It was a lovely stream, deep and tea-colored.  Over in the corner of the bog was one red tree, reminding me that our summer is fading quickly.



end of summer


on the path along the brook

one leaf bleeds into water

in town the walks are stony

chaff of linden, seeds

dry ditches overflow with flowers


I shrug

(no matter

summer is ended)


yellow rattle

pods and grasses

rehearse an incantation

wind sulks in corners of the shed

warmth and sun

paint the orange of pumpkins

knit winter mittens


I gather signs of autumn

asters, windfalls, flocks of red wings

frantic in the alders

acorns, hollow galls from oak


Orion peeks above the trees

time forgotten, found

and summer with rain never ends


I ask for rain

(arms loaded with everlasting)



Previously published as ‘end of summer’, Sept. 19, 2011,


© Jane Tims 2012

Written by jane tims

September 12, 2012 at 7:03 am

12 Responses

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  1. Lovely post, Jane. “I gather signs of autumn…” I feel like that’s what I’ve been doing lately. You captured it all so well in your poem. 🙂



    September 17, 2012 at 2:46 pm

  2. Great post! I especially enjoyed the picture with the note that the person had crossed the bridge 70 years ago.



    September 14, 2012 at 1:25 am

    • Hi Sheryl. Yes, I liked the note too… it was only written a week or so ago. I wonder if there are covered bridges where you are or if your grandmother ever mentioned a covered bridge in her diary. Jane


      jane tims

      September 14, 2012 at 8:10 am

      • I don’t think that she specifically mentioned whether any bridges that she regularly crossed were covered bridges–but that would be an interesting thing for me to research.

        There are still a couple in the general area.



        September 14, 2012 at 8:25 am

  3. These photos are so beautiful! I can almost hear the splashing of that stream. It’s strange to read about the end of your summer when ours is just beginning- a reminder that time marches on.



    September 12, 2012 at 10:06 pm

    • Hi. I envy you, at the beginning of spring! I hope your summer is a little cooler than ours! My brother lived in Brisbane for a while, so I have heard how hot it can be. Jane


      jane tims

      September 13, 2012 at 7:13 pm

  4. Flue shot season
    we collect recipes for
    a Church cookbook

    The catbirds have left, and the hummingbirds are filling up at the feeders for their long journey. The kingfisher’s rattle can still be heard for a short while across the brooks and streams. Autumn has us on its schedule already… the morning chill wakens us to warming afternoons with that cool autum breeze to make it comfortable. The air is crystal clear and we quicken in our steps taking deep breaths.



    September 12, 2012 at 5:46 pm

  5. Lovely in every way, Jane. Thank you.


    Jane Fritz

    September 12, 2012 at 11:52 am

  6. This blog touches my heart. You have captured and shared the essence of this time of year so perfectly. I really enjoyed this one, thanks.


    Carol Steel

    September 12, 2012 at 8:17 am

    • Hi Carol. It is sad to see the summer fade, but I love the fall (and its coolness!). Glad you liked it! Jane


      jane tims

      September 12, 2012 at 9:14 am

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